Sharing life together is one of the core values of Greater Hope Church. We can’t follow Jesus alone. We are called to share life together as His disciples. Believers share what they have with each other—abilities, time, resources. Following Jesus brings us together and fills us with love for one another. That means we know one another, care for one another’s needs, and grow together as Jesus’ disciples.
That’s the purpose of Community Groups. They are small groups of people that meet regularly to enjoy Jesus, care for each other, and reach out into their neighborhood. Community Groups are about sharing life as Christians. In addition, Community Groups are a great place to explore what it means to follow Jesus.
Community Groups exist to point each other to Jesus. That means that Community Groups will be one of the primary places for discipleship at Greater Hope Church. The groups meet regularly to read the Bible, adore God, confess sins, and pray for His help. Leaders will be given resources and training to help everyone in the group develop their personal Bible reading, prayer, and meditation practices.
Community Groups exist to care for one another. That means that Community Groups will be one of the primary places for pastoral care at Greater Hope Church. The group will pray for one another regularly, counsel one another with the gospel, and tend to one another’s spiritual and material needs. If needs exceed the abilities of the group, Community Group leaders can refer those needs to pastoral staff for further help.
Community Groups exist to work together to serve our neighbors. That means that Community Groups will be one of the primary places for mission at Greater Hope Church. Groups will generally be focused on one or two neighborhoods, giving the group the opportunity to know and respond to needs close to home. Community Group is a great place to share the gospel, show hospitality, and show mercy to our neighbors.
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